About us

About us
Eco design is a digital platform to provide information and assist clothing, household linen and footwear brands to take up the eco-design challenge. This platform provides a common language and enables the eco-design approach to be co-built with as many people as possible.
This platform is a Refashion initiative (formerly Eco TLC), a public authority-approved eco-organisation for the CHF industry (Clothing, Household linen and Footwear).
Our vision: a 100% circular textile and footwear industry.
Our mission: to bring together the industry’s stakeholders in order to develop eco-design, the reuse and the recycling of CHF by optimising the management of material, financial and human resources.
For further information about Refashion please visit our internet site.
Why eco-design?
Today we are seeing an intensification in the importance of the circular economy and eco-design is probably its most essential component, the primary lever to change model.
Eco-design is about looking at the entire life cycle of a product (production, use, end of service life, etc.) and minimising its environmental impacts.
There are many reasons why textile and footwear brands should practice eco-design: minimise their environmental impact, financial savings, value creation, innovation, boost brand image, etc.
We hope that the Eco design platform provides the tools they need to take up to the eco-design challenge too.
Our vision about eco-design
Our role is thereby to raise awareness and provide information to all textile and footwear brands in eco-design, regardless of their level of maturity in this area. Some brands have already undertaken detailed analysis of the environmental impacts of their products whereas others have never even heard about it.
So, whether you’re a circular economy specialist, an eco-innovation champion or just curious to find out about eco-design, this Eco design platform is for you!
The choice made by Refashion in building this eco-design tool was to respond to the problem of reducing waste and improving the durability and recyclability of clothing, household linen and footwear products that are placed onto the market.
Our aim is to regularly continue adding new content and functionalities. It was co-built with clothing and footwear brands but cannot live and last without its users: tell us about the difficulties and obstacles you encounter every day, about levers for success, etc. Your experiences deserve to be shared and will be the heart of tomorrow’s Eco design platform!
How did you design the tool?
The platform’s content is the result of collaborative work undertaken by Refashion and the clothing and footwear brands as well as our Experts Committee and our Steering Committee. We have chosen the topics addressed on the Eco design platform together, and all stakeholders have been involved in writing, reading and validating the contents. To successfully create this stakeholder network, the association OREE provided us with help in organising collective intelligence workshops, interviews and surveys. Furthermore, our work is based on institutional documentary resources that are essentially found in the Eco-Watch section.
We mobilised this entire ecosystem to create the content for the Eco design platform because we wanted to ensure that we address the needs expressed by the clothing and footwear brands and provide practical and operational advice.
Our main goal is to unify clothing and footwear brands on the topic of eco-design. We are in a continual improvement process so do not hesitate to send us any corrections that are required or any comments you may have when reading the content.
To send us your feedback about eco-design, the obstacles you encounter or suggestions on how we can improve the contents, please use the contact form provided at the bottom of this page.