In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of French law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, Eco TLC hereby informs the User of the following:
Editor of the Eco TLC Portal
The Portal is published by Eco TLC, a French simplified limited company [Société par Actions Simplifiée] with share capital of €40,000 which has its registered office at 91, rue du Faubourg St Honoré 75008 Paris, and is registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 509 292 801. The portal allows internet users to login into the different sites/extranets edited by Eco TLC according to their profile. Email:
Director of Publication
The Director of Publication is Mrs Hardy Maud, Chief Executive Officer.Directeur Général.
Site host
The site is hosted by:
Mediactive Group - 3 CITÉ PARADIS 75010 PARIS
Tél. +33 1 55 28 80 60 -
Trade and Company Register number: RCS 398 664 334 00040
Intellectual Property
The Portal, its content and any elements comprising it have been created by Eco TLC and as such Eco TLC is the owner of all intellectual property rights.
Eco TLC owns the rights to use any of the Site’s elements, such as brand names, logos, texts, photographs and images, graphics, videos, sound and animated content, software, source codes, databases or for which it has the necessary licences related to intellectual property rights.
The User is hereby informed that the French semi-figurative trademark “Eco TLC” has been filed with the INPI (French National Institute for Intellectual Property) under number 3693276. In this regard, any use of this trademark or any similar symbol is prohibited without prior, written consent from Eco TLC.
The User only benefits from non-exclusive and non-transferable rights of use for the Site and all elements comprising it. In particular, the User is prohibited, in a non-exhaustive manner, for any use other than private use, from reproducing and/or representing, downloading, selling, distributing, translating, adapting, communicating in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, commercially or for any other purpose, the brands, the original work or the information contained on the Portal.
The User shall not introduce data onto the Portal that would modify or likely to modify in any way whatsoever the Portal’s content, data display, presentation or organisation or works appearing on the Portal

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