In 2025, the declaration timeline is as follows:
From January 15 to February 28: Online declaration of actual volumes placed into the market in 2024
From January 15 to March 31: Invoicing and payment
The balance of the 2024 eco-contributions' call for funds (products placed into the market in 2024)
The 2025 eco-contributions' call for funds (based on 2025 sales estimated by Refashion on the basis of actual 2024 volumes).
For any declaration and payment of the eco-contribution after the dedline, late payment penalties, as define in the contract, will be applied.
Download the declaration help file
Please save the declaration help file in XLSX format (and not in XLS format).
In 2025, the declaration timeline is as follows:
From January 15 to February 28: Online declaration of actual volumes placed into the market in 2024
From January 15 to March 31: Invoicing and payment
The balance of the 2024 eco-contributions' call for funds (products placed into the market in 2024)
The 2025 eco-contributions' call for funds (based on 2025 sales estimated by Refashion on the basis of actual 2024 volumes).
For any declaration and payment of the eco-contribution after the dedline, late payment penalties, as define in the contract, will be applied.
Download the declaration help file
Please save the declaration help file in XLSX format (and not in XLS format).
Registration is done online on the extranet
Make a registration request and validate it
After the validation of your registration by Refashion, the signatory informed on the company profile will receive by email the contract to sign
Make the declaration(s) * (Declarations tab)
Pay the contribtuion on receipt of the invoice by email
Download the "eco-fee guide" to know your regulatory obligations.
*Once your membership has been validated, you will have to regularise the ongoing year and the 2 previous declaration years. Example: if you join in January 2025, you must declare the volumes marketed for the years 2024, 2023 and 2022.
See the standard member contract
Registration is done online on the extranet
Make a registration request and validate it
After the validation of your registration by Refashion, the signatory informed on the company profile will receive by email the contract to sign
Make the declaration(s) * (Declarations tab)
Pay the contribtuion on receipt of the invoice by email
Download the "eco-fee guide" to know your regulatory obligations.
*Once your membership has been validated, you will have to regularise the ongoing year and the 2 previous declaration years. Example: if you join in January 2025, you must declare the volumes marketed for the years 2024, 2023 and 2022.
See the standard member contract
In accordance with Article L541-9-5 of the Environmental Code (available in French only), an administrative fine of up to €7.500 per unit of product concerned may be imposed on companies that do not fulfil their obligations.
In accordance with Article L541-9-5 of the Environmental Code (available in French only), an administrative fine of up to €7.500 per unit of product concerned may be imposed on companies that do not fulfil their obligations.
What is the unique identification number?
The UIN is a proof for producers that theyr are registered with the Refashion and up to date with his eco-fee, as required by the French law.
It is used to facilitate monitoring and control of compliance with the EPR obligations incumbent on the producers/ brands/ retailers.
What are these obligations?
Becoming a member and contracting with Refashion
Make your annual marketing declaration on the Refashion Extranet
Paying each year the fee associated with this declaration.
This obligation came into force on 01 January 2022 (Law n°2020-105 of 10 February 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy).
The production of unique identifiers began on 03 January 2022. Once the UIN has been generated by ADEME, it is available on the marketer's "company file" in his Extranet space.
What is the unique identification number?
The UIN is a proof for producers that theyr are registered with the Refashion and up to date with his eco-fee, as required by the French law.
It is used to facilitate monitoring and control of compliance with the EPR obligations incumbent on the producers/ brands/ retailers.
What are these obligations?
Becoming a member and contracting with Refashion
Make your annual marketing declaration on the Refashion Extranet
Paying each year the fee associated with this declaration.
This obligation came into force on 01 January 2022 (Law n°2020-105 of 10 February 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy).
The production of unique identifiers began on 03 January 2022. Once the UIN has been generated by ADEME, it is available on the marketer's "company file" in his Extranet space.
Since January 1st, 2022 and according to the article L. 541-10-9 of the Environment Code (in French only), marketplaces are subject to the EPR obligations.
As of 2022 items placed on the market and in addition to your own sales, you must declare the quantities placed on the market of your third-party resellers who do not already contribute themselves (i.e. who do not have an unique identification number for the Textile, Household Linen and Footwear sector).
Your declaration is to be submitted online on the extranet:
Follow the registration procedure with Refashion ;
Submit a cumulative declaration for all your third-party resellers ;
Attach the list of third-party resellers for which you make the declaration ;
To do this, we invite you to complete the attached declaration help file.
You are required to keep a register of your third-party resellers already in compliance with their information, their unique identification number (UIN) and their quantities placed on the market by category.
Warning: this third-party resellers' register must be made available in case of audits.
Since January 1st, 2022 and according to the article L. 541-10-9 of the Environment Code (in French only), marketplaces are subject to the EPR obligations.
As of 2022 items placed on the market and in addition to your own sales, you must declare the quantities placed on the market of your third-party resellers who do not already contribute themselves (i.e. who do not have an unique identification number for the Textile, Household Linen and Footwear sector).
Your declaration is to be submitted online on the extranet:
Follow the registration procedure with Refashion ;
Submit a cumulative declaration for all your third-party resellers ;
Attach the list of third-party resellers for which you make the declaration ;
To do this, we invite you to complete the attached declaration help file.
You are required to keep a register of your third-party resellers already in compliance with their information, their unique identification number (UIN) and their quantities placed on the market by category.
Warning: this third-party resellers' register must be made available in case of audits.
The UIN is renewed every year (provided the marketer is still up to date with its contributions)
It must appear in your terms and conditions and in all contractual documents
There is a different UIN for each eco-organisation to which the marketer is subject
If a marketer ceases to meet its regulatory obligations, it loses its UIN and is subject to the sanctions provided for in article L. 541-9-5 of the Environmental Code (available in French only).
If you are still not a member and are seeking to obtain your UIN, the UIN is issued after the regularisation procedure (registration, declaration, payment).
To do this, please follow the registration/regularisation procedure indicated above.
The UIN is renewed every year (provided the marketer is still up to date with its contributions)
It must appear in your terms and conditions and in all contractual documents
There is a different UIN for each eco-organisation to which the marketer is subject
If a marketer ceases to meet its regulatory obligations, it loses its UIN and is subject to the sanctions provided for in article L. 541-9-5 of the Environmental Code (available in French only).
If you are still not a member and are seeking to obtain your UIN, the UIN is issued after the regularisation procedure (registration, declaration, payment).
To do this, please follow the registration/regularisation procedure indicated above.
Refashion helps you with your declaration
If you have any questions, please consult the Q&A or complete the contact form
A dedicated hotline is a your disposal from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm: +33 (0) 1 89 16 94 06
Refashion helps you with your declaration
If you have any questions, please consult the Q&A or complete the contact form
A dedicated hotline is a your disposal from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm: +33 (0) 1 89 16 94 06