Waste prevention and ecodesign plan: Article 72 of AGEC Law
Refashion helps you drawing writing your waste prevention and ecodesign plan
Refashion helps you drawing writing your waste prevention and ecodesign plan
Article 72 of the French AGEC law provides for a measure on a waste prevention and eco-design plan.
This stipulates :
“Art. L. 541-10-12 – All producers cited in article L 541-10-1 are obliged to establish and implement a waste prevention and eco-design plan with the aim of reducing the use of non-renewable resources, of increasing the use of recycled materials and increasing the recyclability of products in treatment facilities located in France.”
“This plan is reviewed every five years. It may be individual plan or one common to several producers. It shall include a review of the previous plan and define the objectives and actions to be taken in waste prevention and eco-design that will be be implemented by the producer over the next five years. The eco-organisation established by the producers may create a plan common to all its members.”
“Individual and common plans are sent to the eco-organisation established by the producers, which publishes a publicly available summary after having presented it to a body that is representative of the industry’s stakeholders. ”
This obligation concerns all producers cited in Article L. 541-10-1 of the French Environment Code.
The producers are the marketers, who may be industrialists, manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, or retailers.