For the third year running, Refashion is launching its call for re-use projects with a new format to boost the volume of textiles and footwear reused.
What happens to your used textiles and shoes once they've been collected? Find out in a report with The Good Goods.
A look back at the Recycle Summit, the first Refashion event 100% dedicated to recycling.
Refashion is launching a new recycling call for tenders to encourage the incorporation of used non-reusable CHF into yarns and insulators.
Find out how to incorporate the principles of recyclability into the design of your textile and footwear products with our best practice guides.
In 2023, over 52 million products were eco-modulated, a step towards more responsible fashion. Discover the key figures and the levers for action!
Are you subject to EPR for textiles and footwear? Register with Refashion and fulfil your regulatory obligations in terms of prevention and management of textile and footwear waste.
The 6 winners of the 2024 Innovation Challenge have now been announced! Find out more about the innovative projects we are supporting to develop industrial recycling solutions.
Has the film Don't Look Up inspired you to take action for a world in tune with the planet's limits? So do we! Take part in Refashion Day and work together to find solutions for more responsible fashion.
Refashion helps you comply with the Repair Fund display requirement.
Nouvel agrément, lancement des Fonds Réemploi et Réparation, déploiement de la stratégie d'edutainment... bilan de l'année 2023 avec notre rapport d'activité !
A new year means new projects! In 2024, Refashion is launching a new call for projects aimed at industrial recycling solutions: the Industrial Challenge!
For the first time, Refashion offers a barometer on annual sales of textiles and footwear, providing a neutral, factual view of recent trends in the French market.
What if Refashion could fund your project? Find out how Refashion can help you develop your textile and footwear recycling projects.
Initiated by the French Climate & Resilience Act, French Ecolabelling, which aims to inform consumers about the environmental impact of products, is at the heart of all debates. Discover the latest news.
Innovation Challenge, Refashion's call for R&D projects, is back for its 14th edition! Register for the launch webinar on 26 March.
Recycling post-consumer textile waste is a major challenge. Discover our summary of new technologies for the chemical recycling of textiles.
Everything you need to know about the 4th edition of Refashion Day is here! Bonus, the replays are now available!
Refashion is launching a cross-industry initiative to accelerate the integration of recycled materials from used textiles and footwear into the construction industry.
After a successful first edition in 2022, the Textile Race is back to conquer the Vosges! During 4 weeks, 10 schools will mobilize to collect as many used textiles as possible.
Take part in the industry's annual livestreaming event! The aim? To build a desirable and tangible future for the industry by bringing together professionals, economists and sociologists.
Refashion's innovation Challenge is coming back for a 13th edition! Discover the 2023 R&D call for projects and information on how to apply!
Rethinking production, rethinking consumption, regenerating materials... Discover the Refashion 2022 Activity Report!
Refashion provides you with various resources to help you write your prevention and ecodesign plan, due by July 31st.
The declaration of styles eligible for eco-modulations is now open! Discover all the resources at your disposal to make your declaration until November 30, 2023.
In 2023, Refashion is offering its member brands the opportunity to highlight their compliance with the EPR law by means of the Contributing Brand logo, a logo that will affirm their status in the eyes of their employees and customers.
Le 29 mars 2023 a eu lieu la Deuxième édition de la Matinée Scientifique, un événement dédié aux professionnels de la Filière afin de leur présenter les travaux d'actualisation de deux études majeures. Découvrez les résultats clés des études ainsi que les replays !
Discover the summary notes of our workshop on footwear and the Zapateko II project supported by Refashion in the framework of the Innovation Challenge.
There are number of changes that affect the declaration of products put on the market this year. Check our declaration help guide.
We invite you to explore and understand the main principles of eco-design and identify the tools available.
Renewal of our accreditation on the clothing, household linen, and footwear sector for 6 years during which we will continue to transform the sector twoards circular economy.
How can we recover non-reusable and non-recyclable textile waste while limiting our impact on the planet? CSR appears a high-value solution.
Discover the results of our Working Groups launched in 2020 on the recovery of textile waste for applications outside the textile sector.
On October 4th, the eco-organism Refashion hosted the second edition of the Re_fashion Day, a 100% digital day as part of the Circular Week 2022!
Refashion, éco-organisme de la Filièr Textile, présente son Rapport d'Activité 2021.
This beginning of 2022, Refashion organized for the first time a series of workshops which took place over 3 months on the subject of materials to eco-design the textile products.
Everything you need to know about sorting info.
The Unique Identification Number: what is it? When and how to get it?
Refashion, Eco-organisation for the textile industry , introduces its 2020 Activity Report. This year, the report is 100% digital!
Brands and game changers, join the movement and raise sustainability awareness!
Since 2007, the principle of EPR has applied to all companies selling clothing, household linen and footwear textiles on the consumer market in France.
Refashion is striving for more eco-design, more reuse, more repairs, more recycling and consequently, less environmental impacts. All of our actions are financed thanks to the eco-fees we receive from the brands within the context of their Extended Producer Responsibility.
Refashion is launching workshops to raise awareness and accompany textile and footwear brands at the level of eco-design.
The INNOVATION CHALLENGE is launched. SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION before November 30, 2020.
Understand the law against waste and for the circular economy.