Speed up recycling

Speed up recycling


As part of its mission to speed up textiles and footwear recycling, Refashion innovates with three tools: the Innovation Challenge, the Refashion Recycle platform and the Recycling innovation working groups.

Recycling used textiles and footwear: a market of the future


To accelerate the circular development of the Textiles and Footwear Sector, we provide financial support for recycling projects at different levels of technological maturity.

Since 2010, €5.6 million has been invested in developing and marketing recycling solutions. 

Find out how Refashion can help you develop your open or closed-loop recycling projects.

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Recycling used textiles and footwear: a market of the future


To accelerate the circular development of the Textiles and Footwear Sector, we provide financial support for recycling projects at different levels of technological maturity.

Since 2010, €5.6 million has been invested in developing and marketing recycling solutions. 

Find out how Refashion can help you develop your open or closed-loop recycling projects.

Find out more

Discover our calls for projects

To accelerate the circular development of the Textiles and Footwear Sector, Refashion provides financial support for recycling projects at different levels of technological maturity.

Find out more

Discover Recycle, the 1st platform connecting textiles and footwear recycling stakeholders in France and in Europe


Within the framework of its mission to accelerate clothing and footwear recycling, the French eco-organisation Refashion innovates with a tool that connects recycling professionals: from non-reusable textile feedstock mapping to the identification of transformation processes and the integration of the resulting materials into new products, Recycle by Refashion is the first step towards a secondary materials exchange.


The Refashion Recycle platform eases access to materials resulting from recycling, and the development of full-scale solutions for textiles and footwear recycling and recovery in France and in Europe.

In just 3 clicks, professionals will be able to obtain in a region of their choice, non-reusable textiles and footwear feedstock potential, recycling solutions and detailed stakeholder profiles corresponding to their request.


Discover Recycle by Refashion

Discover recycling solutions for textiles and footwear.


In order to better understand the specific stakes of textiles and footwear recycling, Refashion has drawn up two mappings illustrating current recycling processes.

Download the mapping of products including recycled textiles and the projects version

Download the mapping of footwear recycling and the projects version

Recycling innovation working groups


Study on the industrial potential of open-loop recycling

Focus on two high-potential segments: non-wovens for the automobile sector and composites for the sports and leisures sector. Steered by two experts, the working groups will define the virtuous processes and business models resulting in Sorting and Material Preparation experiments.

The importance of developing local large-scale industrial solutions for the recovery of non-reusable post-consumer textiles and footwear