Notice of the Stakeholder Committee - All about Refashion -

Notice of the Stakeholder Committee

In application of the provisions of article L.541-10 and articles D.541-90 and following of the environmental code, Refashion has set up a "Stakeholders Committee " of the Textile, Clothing, Household linen and Footwear Sector.

Composition of the Stakeholder Committee

The Stakeholder Committee is formed of the following four colleges, in accordance with the regulations in force

  1. The Producers' College, whose members are representatives of the Sector's producers, the majority of whom are independent of the members of the Eco-Organization's Board of Directors, except in cases where such a majority cannot be constituted;

  2. The College of Waste Prevention and Management Operators, whose members are representatives of waste prevention and management operators from the Sector, including at least one representative of the social and solidarity economy when waste management operations provided or supported by the Eco-organization are carried out by this economic sector;

  3. The College of Local Authorities, whose members are representatives of local authorities or their competent groupings in terms of waste planning or management;

  4. The College of Associations, whose members are representatives of environmental protection associations approved under Article L.141-1 of the Environmental Code, and consumer protection associations approved under Article L. 811-1 of the Consumer Code.

The Stakeholder Committee is formed of the following four colleges, in accordance with the regulations in force

  1. The Producers' College, whose members are representatives of the Sector's producers, the majority of whom are independent of the members of the Eco-Organization's Board of Directors, except in cases where such a majority cannot be constituted;

  2. The College of Waste Prevention and Management Operators, whose members are representatives of waste prevention and management operators from the Sector, including at least one representative of the social and solidarity economy when waste management operations provided or supported by the Eco-organization are carried out by this economic sector;

  3. The College of Local Authorities, whose members are representatives of local authorities or their competent groupings in terms of waste planning or management;

  4. The College of Associations, whose members are representatives of environmental protection associations approved under Article L.141-1 of the Environmental Code, and consumer protection associations approved under Article L. 811-1 of the Consumer Code.

The Stakeholder Committee is consulted by the Eco-organization, for its opinion, on the projects covered by the legislative and regulatory provisions in force​

  • The proposal for information specifying the methods of sorting or bringing in the waste from the product mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 541-9-3;

  • The proposals of commitments taken in application of II of the article L. 541-9-6;

  • The decisions of the eco-organization relating to the amount of the financial contribution and the national scale mentioned in article L. 541-10-2, as well as the proposals relating to the modulations of the financial contributions mentioned in article L. 541-10-3;

  • Decisions on the allocation of financial resources and the methods of allocating funding to the funds mentioned in Articles L. 541-10-4 and L. 541-10-5 when these provisions are applicable to it, as well as the principles of the procedures for awarding the waste prevention and management contracts provided for in I and II of Article L. 541-10-6 and, where applicable, the exemptions provided for in Article R. 541-117 ;

  • The draft joint prevention and ecodesign plan provided for in Article L. 541-10-12

  • The revision of the strategy document referred to in 6° of Article R. 541-86 and the draft significant changes to the elements described in the application for approval referred to in Article R. 541-89 ;

  • Draft communication actions;

  • The draft plan provided for in VII of Article L. 541-10 and in Article R. 541-130.

Informing the Stakeholder Committee

The PPC is consulted for information in the following cases

  • Monitoring and implementation of the approval and the annual activity report

  • Summary of the individual and joint prevention and ecodesign plans provided for in Article R. 541-101 ;

  • Conclusions of the self-checking provided for in Article R. 541-127 and, where applicable, of the corrective action plan provided for in Article R. 541-129 ;

  • Research and development programs mentioned in article R. 541-118.