Eco-modulations to reward your ecodesign efforts
Did you know that when you ecodesign your products, you can obtain cumulative bonuses? Everything you need to know is this new Short Cycle!
Higher scales to meet ambitious objectives
The objectives set out in our specifications for the period 2023-2028 in terms of collection, repair, reuse and recycling require major investment. Thanks to your eco-contributions, we can achieve this together!
Join the community of certified repairers!
Certification for the Repair Bonus is now open! Are you a brand offering a repair service to your customers? Apply now!
What if you were the first to communication the Brand Contributor logo?
The Brand Contributor is an opportunity for you to highlight your compliance with Extended Producer Responsibility. Check your eligibility and apply for your logo!
Ambitious objectives to address the challenges of the Textile Sector
Ambitious collection, acceleration of the second hand thanks to the reuse fund, implementation of the repair bonus and eco-modulations which reward your efforts of eco-design, are the 4 key points of this new cycle.