On January 1, 2007, the law introduced the principle of "Extended Producer Responsibility" (E.P.R) for textile products, household linen and footwear sold in France. E.R.P. also applies to numerous other economic sectors (electrical and electronic equipment, paper, packaging, lightbulbs, batteries, etc.).
It obliges producers to provide for or contribute towards the management of waste for articles placed on the market for consumers.
Why register with the eco-organisation?
Refashion is an eco-organisation which is central to a global project. It constitutes the link between the different textile industry stakeholders. It's an exchange platform permitting contacts between the various stakeholders to be facilitated and constitues a veritable lever to create synergies at the level of individual actions as part of a common objective: to recycle used textiles and footwear waste in order to transform it into new resources.
Registering with Refashion :
Releases members of their legal E.P.R obligation.
Equates to participating in a collective and meaningful project: improving the environmental quality of your products marketed in France, offering commercial development opportunities via "responsible consumerism".
Equates to joining a positive movement which constitutes a response to the environmental stakes of natural resource preservation.
Is a new means of committing the textile industry to a sustainable progress and value creation dynamic.